The people we spend time with influence us more than we realize. Look at your closest friends and family. Do they uplift and inspire you, or do they bring you down? Jim Rohn once said, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." An example of this is if you leave your coat in a room where people are smoking, soon it will smell of smoke. If you leave it outside in the garden, later, when you bring it indoors, it will carry with it the fragrance of fresh air and flowers. 'Such is the case with the mind. Your thoughts absorb the vibrations of those with whom you mix'". We must protect our SPARQ from the people who bring the wrong type of energy into our lives at all costs.
7. We Receive What We Give
The first step to any process is knowing it starts with “ME”. If we are receiving results or energy that we do not prefer in life, we must first check ourselves. Who are we around, what did I do, when was I doing it, where was I doing it, why was I doing it, and how was I doing it? Asking these questions will allow us to analyze the environment we are putting time and energy into. Giving the right energy leads to receiving the right energy no matter the result if we take an opportunity that is: Positive, Personal, Protective, Powerful, Present, Peaceful, and Profitable.
8. Make others around “ME’ better
Having answers to others’ questions, listening, creating connections, and being honest are important ingredients for being the right person to be around. We are all better people because someone helped us become better. Can you consider yourself a good person if you are not creating opportunities for others to elevate? The answer to this question is personal and can be realized through this checklist we have created.
Elevation Checklist
1. Encourage people to help you become better.
2. Share your journey. (failures, growth, and successes)
3. Talk about values, inner motivation, and purpose whenever you work on strategy, system, and method.
4. Help people focus less on failure and more on learning.
5. Help others understand that most growth is gradual.
6. Challenge people to try new things and stay available to help when they do.
7. Help with other's aspirations.
9./10. No Backstabbing/I am my brother’s/sister’s keeper
Being responsible for the welfare of others or having compassion and empathy for others is a major key to success. Building beneficial relationships is easy when we learn to “treat people the way they want to be treated”. Treating someone “the way you want to be treated” is not the only rule that is needed to show the right emotional and spiritual support. Building the right type of relationship requires:
1. Asking others for their best word of advice and practicing it for at least a week.
2. Finding clarity on a journey that becomes useful to others.
3. Helping others remain humble as they receive dramatic growth.
4. Helping others get better at the things that serve their purpose.
5. Understanding that your own well-being is connected to the well-being of others.
Building the right type of environment at the beginning of a journey, during your career, or in retirement, is critical for your SPARQ. Your environment shapes what a victory looks like in the past, present, and future. Attracting the right people for your environment is easy when you become the one that commands yourself to:
- Focus on solutions
- Appreciate opportunities
- Take no days off
- Not self-sabotage
- Skip reps
- Receive what you give
- Make others around you better
- Does no backstabbing
- Become your brother’s/sister’s keeper.