What are your chances of becoming happy with your body?
Fitness and health data show that the average person lives a lifetime in a body that they are not happy with.
Here are some of the statistics:
• About half (51%) of Americans say they feel pressured to have a certain body type.
• Women (60%) are 18 percentage points more likely than men (42%) to say they feel completely or somewhat pressured to have a particular body type.
• Most Americans (62%) who have ever been in a relationship say they worry about what their partner thinks of how they look
• Three-quarters of US adults (76%) say that the media promotes an unattainable body image for women
• 69% of Americans believe fashion companies have had a negative impact on the perception of body image
- What would allow you to have the body type you desire?
- Where does the pressure to have a certain body type come from?
- Why do people allow outside entities to determine the standards for something that belongs to them?
- How does a person develop the right look for themselves?
When you are done reading this, you will have the appropriate tools to answer these types of questions. You will also develop the ability to teach people these principles and change how we view our chances of achieving our ideal body. These 3 simple power position principles will put you in a position to appreciate and enjoy your body if you apply them. We want you to realize that these principles go against the status quo and will challenge your thinking. If you believe the average person's way of thinking could make you happy, you will only have a 40% chance of being happy with your body type.
The 3 power position principles are:
#1 - Find out what people who are healthy & happy with their body type do and do it!
#2 - Find out what people who are unhealthy & not happy with their body type do and do not do it!
#3 - Create a formula based on your body type, ignore the media and television perception of what a body should look like, and surround yourself with healthy supportive people.
Study these things in detail and become obsessed with finding the difference between the habits of the healthy ones who love their bodies and the unhealthy ones who do not. Principles work the same for everybody, so follow the principles of the people who push healthy fitness and stop following the principles of the unhealthy.
Now, let's get started on creating a simple list that will help set up a healthy environment.
Take out something to keep notes on and make 2 lists:
One will be: “What healthy people do”, and one will be “What unhealthy people do”.
Start paying attention to the difference between the habits of the healthy and unhealthy and start modeling the habits of the healthy immediately.