Adult Speed Academy (Ages 18&Up)
Speed Training for serious athletes heading to college, running unattached, or for professionals
Service Description
Welcome to Coach Dykes's School of Speed Development and Track and Field. At Missing Element Sports, we understand that sprint mechanics are the foundation of all dynamic movement. Therefore to develop superior athleticism one must be exposed to these principles early and often. Each athlete will be exposed to training programs specific to their individual phase of development. Age is not the most important factor when determining the appropriate training program, therefore our athletes will first go through an athletic IQ analysis to ensure proper development. Our over all mission with our Speed Academy is to develop Confident, Fast, Explosive, Hardworking Athletes. Amount of Sessions: 3x Per Week Availability: - Monday-Thurs 4pm, 5pm & 6pm - Fridays 4pm & 5pm - Weekends TBD
Cancellation Policy
Client agrees that sessions do not rollover into following month. Client must communicate any absences 12hrs before session to receive make up sessions. To cancel membership, client must send email document stating request. The recurring draft will stop 28 days after email is sent. Request email from owners .
Contact Details
7315 Five Forks Drive, Spring, TX, USA